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Pet Insurance
Frequently Asked Question on ExtrasJar Pet Insurance
What pets are eligible?An explanation of what pets are eligible for ExtrasJar Pet Insurance
Are there age limits?Age limit requirements for pet insurance
What are the Optional Extra Benefits?Dental Illness, Behavioural Problems and Specialised Therapies included as standard
How do I request a Pre-existing Condition assessment?Completing a pre-existing condition assessment
Are pre-existing conditions covered?Pre-existing conditions explanation
How do I apply to have certain Exclusion Periods reduced?How you apply to reduce exclusion periods
What are Pre-existing Conditions and Exclusion Periods?Definition of Pre-existing Conditions and Exclusion Periods for Pet Insurance
Exception to Pre-existing Condition Exclusion?Exceptions to pre-existing conditions
Are there Exclusion Periods for Pet Insurance?A description of what Exclusion Periods apply to pet insurance
When does cover start and end?An explanation of when cover starts on my pet insurance
Can I always renew my insurance even if I have made lots of claims in the past or my pet develops chronic conditions?Answer to whether you can renew if you have made lots of claims in the past.
Will my premiums increase each year as my pet ages?Response to question on premium increases
Can I choose my level of cover?Level of cover for Pet Insurance
How do I make a claimA description of how to submit a claim
How to Make a Pet Insurance ClaimA full description of how to make an ExtrasJar Pet Insurance Claim
How do you assess a claim?
Will you pay the vet directly?payment to a vet directly
What if I travel overseas with my pet?
Why are there no sub-limits?explaining why there are no sub-limits